When Nature Calls


When nature calls, Goldeimer compost toilets cover your ass.

Together with Werkhaus, they have developed a portable compost toilet for all your travel needs.
It’s not really meant for taking on a hike, but this time there wasn’t a cable car that could take us to where we wanted to go. So we disassembled this loo, divided it out onto our backpacks, and hiked up 1500m onto the Schesaplana Glacier. It was the first day of the year on which you could reach the top and there was only one other hiking group around. They must have thought we were crazy because we kept stopping to put together this little toilet, have Toni sit butt-naked on it, enjoying the view while I took photographs. In nature, with nature, when nature calls.

Toni then took the quick way down, sitting on his backpack and sliding over the snowfields. The planks of the toilet provided some great stability.

When nature calls - a man sitting on a portable toilet in the great outdoors
Toni sitting on a portable compost toilet in the middle of a river bed at the bottom of the mountain at Brandnertal, holding Goldeimer toilet paper in his hands.
Nature calls, so Toni does his business ontop of the mountain at Lünersee, Austria on a portable compost toilet, looking at the view simultaneously.
aerial photo of a man sitting on a toilet with a view of the luenersee and the mountains in the background
Landscape picture of a man sitting on on the top of the Schesaplana glacier with toilet paper flowing in the wind